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Name___________________________ Period_______

Apartheid in South Africa Notes

Answer the following questions based on the image on the screen
1) What emotions does the image invoke?

2) What is the significance of the peoples posture and separation?

3) What do you think the picture is trying to tell us?

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the powerpoint and fill out the short-answer questions

Apartheid was a system of _____________ segregation enforced by the

government of South Africa, which was then under the control of
the ____________Party.
Key Ideas:

South Africa was controlled by the __________ in the era of colonialism and
imperialism. They brought about an era of ______________ and _____________,
and this continued on even after they stopped occupying South Africa.

Name___________________________ Period_______

After the departure of the ___________, an election was held, and the
______________ came into power. In ________, this group started to enact
apartheid laws.

Laws created during the era of Apartheid included:

What did the government do to non-Europeans in South Africa in the 1970s?

In the 1980s and 1990s, opposition to Apartheid reached a breaking point, and
President____________________ started negotiations to end Apartheid altogether.
This resulted in multi-racial democratic elections in _________.

Nelson Mandela was an______________________________who was imprisoned

for 27 years because of his views. In 1994, after the end of apartheid, he became
the first black South African to be _______________of South Africa.
*any conclusion*

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