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Nikka Q.



LEARNING TASKS NO. 4: Teaching Materials

Due to some circumstances, I have only observed one class for the
whole week. In this paper, my task is to compare the teaching
materials/visual aids used in the classes I have observed, but since I have
only observed Sci 7A class of Grade 7- Tindalo, I will just state my
observations of the materials used in teaching the said subject.
Only one form of visual material was used by the teacher, electronic
visual aid, specifically, Powerpoint Presentation. During the whole discussion,
a powerpoint presentation about the lessons was presented to the students.
As I have observed, that method of presenting lessons is very common to the
UPRHS community. During our past observations, teachers use Powerpoint
Presentations most of the time. I think this is because it is efficient since
almost all academicians nowadays have laptops; easy to manipulate and can
draw attention of the students. Using Powerpoint presentations, lessons can
be presented with different styles, designs and even animations that can
increase the attention span of students. But due to the fact that it is very
accessible wherein students can easily get copies of lessons from the
teacher, many of them dont want to pay attention. To avoid this, the
teacher of Sci 7A made the presentation in a not spoonfeeding type. Not all
the information was presented, and the students must provide the missing
information. This is very effective since the students tend to pay their full
attention to what the teacher is discussing for them to know the missing
informations that will serve as their recitation.
If I were the teacher, aside from powerpoint presentations, I will also
use traditional visual aids like cut-outs of pictures and diagrams since the
lesson is about prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This will be helpful since the
students can see clearly the images of it and not rely only on pictures from
the internet.

According to the website, Audiovisual

materials help in completing the triangular process of learning that is

motivation, classification and stimulation. Since it is very effective in

creating the environment of interests of students, the teacher can also get
sometime for herself and make learning more permanently. This also follows
Edger dales Cone of experience which states that Visual and Auditory are the
most effective ways for the students to learn.


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