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Two Million Minutes (Running time: 54 minutes)

Two Millions Minutes, is a documentary that explores how high school

students in the United States, India, and China spend their high school years.
Go to the following link, which has Chinese subtitles, to watch this documentary
and answer the questions below in Chinese.
1. Agree or Disagree:
Throughout the film, find three statements that you agree with and
three statements that you disagree with, and give reasons to support
your statements. Use / and ,
) You need to write these
statements in Chinese as they were translated in the subtitles.

(This is a long point, so if you have trouble understanding what I put down ,
please check 14:42He is basically talking about how Americans have more
economic prosperity, and therefore education isnt seen as a way out of
poverty here)[I cannot
figure out the character here]

2. High School Life:

Use at least three sentences to describe the life of typical high school
students and their attitudes toward study in these three

countries. Also for each country, comment on something that you like
and something that you do not like.


3. Parenting stylesDescribe the parenting styles among

these countries. Are there any similarities and any differences among
the parenting styles in these three countries?



4. Cultural difference. List three things in this film that are

unexpected or are culture shock for you. It can even be something
from your own countries.

(percent) Algebra 2

5. Learn from the translation: This is an English film and you can
understand its content. For the purpose of Chinese language learning,
write ten English statements in the film and their Chinese translation.
Each statement has to be at least 30 characters. Extra points if you
find any mistakes in the Chinese translation.
(Note: For this activity, I used the subtitles provided and also my own
translation when I had trouble understanding the subtitles direct
meaningGreen Highlight = my own attempt)
1. Id want to be happy, like professional satisfaction I wouldnt want to
do something and get up every morning and do the same old thing. It
should be interesting and challenging every day.
2. American K-12 education has really been a failure for the last 25 years,
and its not because of any one person

3. Not many parents my age got the chance to go to college. Therefore, they
expect their children to obtain a higher degree.

4. It looks like the American students life is like, almost a dream. Its like no
studying, very light syllabus, and maybe study only when you want to.

5. After I get home from school, I usually play violin first, then do my homework.
I try not to waste any time. I try my best to take all of my homework

6. Im just not the type of person that can studyyou know, for 20 hours a day. I
like to kick back and have fun because I do think that high school and college
is a time to have fun.

(THERE IS AN ERROR HERE: 25:04 She says in the video that she studies for
20 hours a day, but the video says she studies 24 hours a day. I fixed it

Theres a chance Ill actually have to start putting more effort into school
work, because thats what people have told me. Ive kinda always excelled
without having to put forth much effort. So I know Im going to have to
somewhat start studying.
, ,

8. If youre 17 in the United States it means you have a driving license for a car,
which you dont get here. You hang out much more your opportunities are
like, on a whole scale.
9. My friends would love to do something differently,we four of us, have a
band. We sing together and we tried making it big. We are still trying.

10. That day I set a goal to be the #1 person worldwide in one small area. But
Im still not sure in which area Ill focus my efforts

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