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Travel Song

For when alone the road you must walk,

And singly the trials you must bear.
When through torrents of suffering and woe you must wade
Without companionship to hearken you,
Or devotion to soothe your pain.
When through territories unchartered you wander
Without any hope of return.
When the very depths of hell you must conquer
To once more gaze upon heavens door.
When all the world is against you
And you know you naught but grief and strife
And it seems as if not a single soul
Sympathizes with your plight
Remember this, my son,
And darkness shall be dispelled by light:
The road you walk may be less travelled
But travelled it is nonetheless.
Look down and you shall see
Tracks of those at rest
Innumerable souls who walked with your uncertain gait
Who too never unclenched their hearts from their chests
For fear of being struck with the common affliction
That painfully endearing fate
That leaves us blissfully ignorant of future scars
Oh, that heartfelt pain.

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