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Describe happiness
Introduce the film

What it taught me
-Theories suggest Happiness is 50% genetic
10% circumstances and 40% intentional activity things we can do
-change something simple in your life dont adapt to the same thing

How it affected me
First example. Indian man who is broke af but still happy.
Surfer dude does what he wants. Being in the zone gets you happy. The
activities give you flow. Wish u could go forever . gives u a feeling where
nothing else matters
Lady who got ran over ):
Make a lot of money
Hedonic treadmill
Blanchard family
Japan work ethic karoshi
Butan wants happiness for people
Denmark co housing communities
Kid handicapped
For me My life is like a loan given from god I will give this loan back with
You serve ur brother in front of you who is in need and it gives yourself a
fulfilled happy life.
Andy whimmer volunteered 17 years at mother Theresa home for the dying
and destitute

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