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Many of the world's core areas of biodiversity are also important for

cultural diversity, represented by the density of ethnic groups and

linguistic diversity. There is a direct correlation between biodiversity
and the threat that cultural diversity plays on it. Having government
involvement ensures that there will be a home for many future
generations. There are many programs in place that help to ease the
burden of being new.
Cultural diversity and biodiversity are both values of and for the very
long term. By focusing on sustainable diversity we assume that
human beings belong to the biological universe while, at the same
time, they are the only species on earth that has the privilege of
creating diverse forms of culture in time and space. Take Australia for
example, though it is rich in Indigenous cultures, it is also built on
immigration. There are over 22 million people in Australia, more
people mean more space they are occupying, more food they are
consuming and more waste that is being generated.
The ultimate causes of biodiversity losses are human population
growth together with unsustainable patterns of consumption,
increasing production of waste and pollutants, urban development,
international conflicts, and continuing inequities in the distribution of
wealth and resources.
If we look at it from the other side, we find that cultural diversity in
Australia is growing. In an article it states that within the 22 million
people that live there, there are over 400 different languages spoken
and they have identified over 270 ancestries. There are al lot of
different cultures as well as religious backgrounds. It is great to see
that cultural diversity plays such a large part in Australia, and through
help from the government they are able to sustain all of the people,
offer programs, and teach one another how to live in a multicultural
community without fear of discrimination. Cultural diversity is great,
but there is a steep price that is being paid within the biodiversity of
the country as well. Which is why government on both the national as
well the state level help to ensure that all citizens and immigrants are
entered into the fold. The programs portray a welcoming community
as a whole nation, not just a few people.

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