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Credit Management System Enhancement for Savings and Loan (Nonbank) Industry ABSTRACT In order to have a good operation, there should be a good cash flow in the company. It also helps the company to grow. Lending is a source of income of the company due to their interest in every loan they are providing with their customers. Good collection helps in gaining profit for them and to provide good service to their clients. The author of this study assesses the account receivables of the company and identifying the causes that will affect the company. Knowing the factors that af- fecting the collection would help the company to prevent risk and loses in the long run. METHODOLOGY + Coen son + Pest ass ibe bay + Tren Asie fede compey + Poon Amabi + ire sty 5 Das Gatesing pee + mcleetble + Ate of Data a Pacio Cet, fami oe 23 Howto come Dass iene Sass a + Contant eon ag = SS + Benchmacking + Menage ‘The researcher gathers the necessary data to make the study more factual and thus will be having 3 stages: the input, process and output. The stage 1 or the input stage will cover all the data gath- ered by the researcher using necessary tools similar to interview, observations, and studying the ex- isting process. Subsequent to stage 1, the researcher will proceed to the next stage wherein the analysis will be more focused using different EMG tools. This is where the stage 2 comes into view, the stage 2 will be the evaluation of the alternatives and improvement plan that can deal with the problems of the company and the final stage will be the output stage wherein the improvement RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on the outcome and data gathered, the problem was caused by various factors mainly: poor screening in approval of loan, lack of policy and action in collecting the remittances and by not having an intact agreement for policy which was supposedly implemented by the finance center. In order to avoid risk and loses in the long run, the company should implement a good screening pro- cess by integrating their application of modern technology to avoid approval of the wrong client. They should acquire training program and seminars to their employee and create an internal unit which will be an effective way to monitor and correspond with their clients regarding their remit tances. And lastly, they should know when to constrict or loosen their authorization of loan by be- PROF, GRACE INTAL JOHN NATHANIEL R. LEZARDA ‘Thesis Adviser B.SEngineering Management _ ‘ Presentor Sener tAL ENG! wo AD ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT IN UTE OF TECHNOLOGY

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