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Known planets


Type of star: G type main sequence

Type of planet: hot jupiter
Length of day: 7 hours, 37 minutes
Length of year: 4 days
Number of moons: 4
Status: Uncolonised


Type of star: B type main sequence

Type of planet: ocean planet
Length of day: 23 hours
Length of year: 287 days
Number of moons: 9
Status: 3 floating citys


Type of star: O type main sequence

Type of planet: Lava planet
Length of day: 47 hours
Length of year: 19.4 years
Number of moons: 0
Status: Slowly being dismantled to
build energy collecting swarm around
same star, will take 2 years to fully

Type of star: K type main sequence
Type of planet: Formerly desert
planet, now earth analog
Length of day: 20 hours
Length of year: 308 days
Number of moons: 1
Status: Successfully terraformed and


Type of star: White dwarf

Type of planet: Ice planet
Length of day: 56 hours
Length of year: 782 days
Number of moons: 5
Status: Uncolonised


Type of star: Stellarised brown dwarf

Type of planet: carbon planet
Length of day: 23 hours (retrograde)
Length of year: 25 days
Number of moons: 3
Status: Industrialised in the
production of computorium and


Type of star: A type main sequence

Type of planet: eccentric jupiter
Length of day: 12 hours
Length of year: 18 years
Number of moons: 26
Status: 2 Deep well industrial zones

Bondus and Boundus

Type of star: G type main sequence
Type of planet: Double planet
Length of day: 2 days
Length of year: 4 years
Number of moons: N/A
Status: Slowly being terraformed


Type of star: red dwarf

Type of planet: protoplanet
Length of day: 3 hours
Length of year: 92 days
Number of moons: 2
Status: Colonised with 2 domed


Type of star: Black hole

Type of planet: Ice giant
Length of day: 7 hours
Length of year: 2.45 years
Number of moons: 0
Status: Uncolonised


Type of star: red giant

Type of planet: chthonian planet
Length of day: 17 hours
Length of year: 379 days
Number of moons: 11
Status: Successfully terraformed

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Type of star:
Type of planet:
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Type of star:
Type of planet:
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Type of star:
Type of planet:
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Type of star:
Type of planet:
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Type of star:
Type of planet:
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