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Heterosexual Privilege

1. Public recognition and support for an intimate relationship (e.g.,

congratulations for an engagement).
2. Expressing affection in most social situations and not expecting hostile or
violent reactions from others.
3. Living with your partner and doing so openly.
4. Expressing pain when a relationship ends from death or separation and
receiving support from others.

White Privilege

1. Because of privilege, youll never have to worry about becoming the victim of
law enforcement officers.
2. Thankfully, youll never have to know what it feels like to see your teenage
sons death being mocked.
3. Privilege means you can be articulate and well-spoken without people being
4. Privilege allows you to speak on any particular subject without being the sole
representative for your entire race.

Male Privilege

1. If you have a bad day or are in a bad mood, people arent going to blame it
on your sex
2. You can be careless with your money and not have people blame it on your
3. You can be a careless driver and not have people blame it on your sex
4. You can be confident that your coworkers wont assume you were hired
because of your sex

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