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Jenna Piggott

English 2010
Prof. Nelson
Notebook 11

6c. Write or create a PSA on for your issue in which you explain the
causes and effects of a problem associated with your issue. Explain
what should be done to address the problem.

This is a Public Service Announcement for the following issue. The

shooting of unarmed citizens (blacks in particular) have become well known
in our world today, it has become a tragic trend that is reoccurring. Michael
Brown, was one of the many cases that has sparked controversy, unrest,
violent protests and many unanswered questions in regard to our law
enforcement. For those of you who arent aware of this specific case, Michael
Brown was an 18 year old black teenager from the suburbs of St. Louis
Missouri, he was shot and killed by officer Darren Wilson, after he stole a box
of cigars from a local store. Officer Wilson was not indicted for his actions,
however he did step down from his position in the law enforcement after the
verdict. The relevant and proven cause of this case was that Michael Brown
did indeed steal an expensive pack of cigars. Officer Wilson asked him to
walk on the sidewalk after he saw Brown walking in the street moments after
the reported robbery, and saw the pack in Browns hand. Brown did not
comply with Wilsons instructions after multiple times. Brown used vulgar

language and reached for Officer Wilsons gun while he was inside of his
police vehicle. This is when things took a turn for the worse and Wilson
ended up shooting Brown. This was a poorly handled confrontation from both
parties. There may have been many factors that contributed to the shooting,
race was one of those factors. Tragic cases like this cause us to be more
skeptical of those who are here to protect us and the community
It is safe to conclude that blacks in general do not have the same
reputation as white people. They are often discriminated by those who view
race as a characteristic. We all need to strive to be more accepting of people
in general, especially those of different race, color and religion. We also need
to stop viewing all cops and other law enforcement as bad people, and we
also should avoid associating bad handled situations with all cops in general.
There are good cops and bad cops. There are good people and bad people.
We need to think before we judge and act to avoid hurting those around us.

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