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Relate what was discusses in class or the text to the screening.

What I can remember is about black cinema and how black people at the time were in
very stereotypical roles such as housekeepers and slaves. That was semi evident in gone
with the wind because all of the black characters were slaves and housekeepers. Hattie
Mcdaniel was a little different because even though she played a housekeeper, she still
had a sort of strong presence. She was kind and sweet, but also forceful, and everyone
did what she said.
About the production code exception, I thought that was interesting because now if
someone says damn, it doesnt even sound that serious. Since women werent sexualized
in film at the time, it kind of gave this movie the opportunity to do well. Scarlet even
though she is just a horrible person, is still very strong willed and stuff so that is pretty

2. Write a summary of the article.

What is it about Gone with the Wind that still enchants us? December 15, 2014 Times
Magazine. This article is mainly about Scarlets character and how she is so selfish. The
article goes a little into Margaret Mitchells childhood and how that affected her work. It
is mentioned that she is the product of a Jim Crow south which is clearly why she wrote a
book about the south. It was mentioned that she didnt even know that the south lost the
war until she was ten which I dont find surprising since there are still people in the south
who pretend that the south won the war. Many things were touched upon in this article.
Racism, the Depression, and the crossover from book to film are amongst many topics
brought up in this article.
3. Apply the article to the film screened.
This article touches on almost everything that we have discussed in class. What I thought
was funny was that while I was watching the movie, I couldnt decide if I liked Scarlet or
hated her. After a few people were talking in class, I realized that other people felt the
same. After I read this article, I realized that everyone generally dislikes her for being so
self-centered. At some points, I thought it is crazy that she was being shamed for being a
progressive woman, but at other parts, she was just being a stone cold bitch.
It is also mentioned in the article that Hattie Mcdaniel wasnt allowed to attend the
premier of the movie that made her an Academy Award winner. In this day, that is just
insane. Especially in the area we live in and the school we go to, people in this area are
generally more tolerant and respectful of other people who come from different
backgrounds, but its still crazy.

4. Write a critical analysis on the film.

First off, I didnt expect to like this movie as much as I did. It was compelling from the
beginning and stayed compelling until the end. As I mentioned around fifteen times
before, I found Scarlet intolerable, which is only a testament to Vivien Leighs
We talked in class a little about how this was one of the first color pictures ever made,
and already, you can see how important the use of color was in this film. The most
obvious and probably most famous were the firey skies used the times when Scarlet
comes back to Tara. One of the times it was used was when Scarlet vows never to go
hungry again with her fist in the air.
Framing was another big deal in this film. The scenes that stick out to me just by
thinking about the film were the ones when the characters were so microscopic in the
landscapes. One of the scenes I can remember was when Atlanta was burning and all you
see at the bottom of the screen was this tiny little horse and carriage trotting along the
bottom of the screen.
We also talked in class about how different Clarke Gable was in Gone with the Wind
from It Happened one Night, but to be honest, I didnt see much of a difference. In both
movies he was just portrayed as this handsome funny guy. I genuinely didnt see much
difference between characters.

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