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Short Story Critical Reading Guide

Analyze the Essential Elements of the Story 1) Read the text carefully, noting each character and chain of
James Stevens- The traffic engineer for North American power. James Stevens must find a solution for the
falling power in the infallible Dekalb receptors Dr. Stevens is a practical man looking for a practical
solution where none exist.
Gramps Schneider- A hex doctor who ultimately shows Waldo how to fix balky DeKalb receptors and his
own body by reaching into the other world for energy. He is a childhood acquaintance of Hugh. He dislikes
machines and technology yet he agrees to fix the broken DeKalbs that hugh brings him
Waldo F Jones- is an eccentric genius who has a serious muscle disorder that renders him physically weak.
To compensate for this physical handicap, Waldo has developed his mental capabilities. Waldo invented a
device to act as strong hand for him. Though this device requires little strength to properly function, it
demands the user complete control Waldo lives in an isolated place of his own design. Orbiting earth.

2) Identify the major character(s)--those who seem to control the action or from whose perspective the story is
told. Waldo, Mr. Gleason, Dr. Augustus Grimes, Mac, Hugh Donald MacLeod, and Stanley F Gleason
3) Reconstruct the narrative line--"what happens."
The DeKalb receptors are receptors for air vehicles and they are not working that well and causing many
accidents. NAPA cannot find out what the problem with the reactors is. They tried to contact Waldo, Who is a
bitter genius but hates the NAPA and see if he can fix the problems. The NAPA is afraid the reactors will fail
They also power the city and they are scared of the power failing.
4) Identify elements of the plot--"factors which influence the action."
The reactors are the big factors toward the short story because they could bust at any time cut out the whole city
5) Discuss the essential conflict.
The people are dealing with the reactors and their thoughts and experiences with the NAPA. The people are
terrified of the reactors and how they will cause the citys power to die
1) Identify the point(s) of view through which the story is told.
Waldo is from 1st person and switches to third a few times
2) Explain how the author uses time.
through a period of years
3) Explain how the author uses setting.

4) Explain how the author uses perspectives (angles).

The author uses really only one perspective and that is of Waldo and his beliefs on the NAPA
1 Identify the author's use of irony (dramatic, situational, verbal).
An ex of dramatic irony in the story is how the reader knows that Waldo is not very fond of NAPA and their
work but they still ask him to help fix the reactors
2) Identify recurring image patterns.
3) Explain the author's use of symbols.
4) Identify special uses of language like figures of speech, unusual diction and syntax.
The short story begins with admonition to believe in the true self which is considered in essence identical with
the universal spirit. Emerson then holds infancy which is favorably contrasted with adulthood as a model for
one to follow in the cultivation of a spirit of independence or nonconformity
Analyze the Meaning of the Story (Interpretation) 1) Identify what seems to be the theme
(dominant message or claim) and how the author announces it.
The Dominant theme of the short story is an individual must develop a personal understanding of the universe.
Emerson makes clear in the introduction that men should break away from reliance on secondhand information,
upon the wisdom of the past
2) Explain how elements above contribute to the theme.
These elements make the theme really stand out throughout the story which is To believe your own thought to
believe that what is true for you in
3) Identify contextual elements (allusions, symbols, other devices) that point beyond the story to the author's
experience/life, history, or to other writings.
It describes civil disobedience but there are not really any devices that really stand out
This short story is about a piece of technology is failing and nobody can fix it but it relates to self-reliance
because they are depending on someone own ability to fix the problem. The NAPA finds Waldo who is not
very fond of this company, and they hire him to fix it. Waldos capabilities depend on the fixing of this
technology. Many people know that they can not fix it but they depend on him and have to believe in him.
While he depends on himself to find out what the problem is and what is causing it to be that way. This short
story is the only one I could find that was American and fit into my topic of self-reliance

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