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To: Izen Anderson

From: Dominic Bragg

Date: 3/5/15
Subject: Kyles Promotion
After reviewing Kyles team evaluations it would be best not to give Kyle the
promotion at this time. Kyle is doing a good job but he is just not ready for an
advancement at this time. Although Kyle has shown his strength in contributing his
weakness lies in listening and facilitating group problem solving. Kyle needs to work
on his weaknesses to be an effective team leader for the Dallas office.

Kyles overall best behavior is contributing. He scored a 2.83 out of 3 and had a
range of 2 to 3. Out of the 15 team evaluations no one had given Kyle a score of
lower than a 2 which is impressive. Kyle obviously contributes during meetings and
offers helpful ideas and suggestions to problems at hand. Kyle is very good at
keeping the flow of meetings going forward and vary rarely bogs the meetings
down. Contributing is Kyles best behavior and he shows it during meetings and his
peers have also taken notice.

Of the three behaviors listening is Kyles weakest based on the team evaluations.
Kyle scored a 1.96 out of 3 and had a range of 0 to 3. This concerned me because at
least one team member scored Kyle a 0 out of 3 on listening. Since Kyle is such a
good contributor he has a certain problem with listening to team members. Kyle on
a few occasions has contributed to much during meetings and has spent little time
listening to other team members ideas and suggestions. Although he scored under
a 2 on this behavior I believe he has the potential to be a great listener after some
more work.

The third behavior is facilitating group problem solving. Kyles score was a 2.18 out
of 3 and a range of 0 to 3. Kyle has a slight problem with discarding all but the best
solution. Kyle tends to try to make more than one solution to work instead of
focusing on one solution. Also a team member has given Kyle a score of 0 which
means someone thinks Kyle has performed poorly on facilitating. Kyle does do a
great job of asking questions to organize the discussion. Kyle needs to work on this
skill to improve to be an effective team leader.

Overall I do not believe Kyle is quite ready for a team leader position in Dallas. Kyle
is doing a good job but needs to spend more time working on his listening skills and

facilitating skills. Kyle excels in contributing but needs to spend more time working
on other skills.
Dominic Bragg

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