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I really enjoyed your Intermediate Accounting I course last fall and would like to ask
you for a letter of recommendation for the Missouri Dump Truck Association
scholarship committee.
Your assignments and challenging test helped me to demonstrate my knowledge in
accounting skills. The renewable $500 scholarship main criteria is being enrolled in
a 4 year program and to be passionate about the field of study I am working
towards. I exceed the 3.0 GPA requirement, and I am currently enrolled in a 4 year
university. Leadership on campus is also an important quality for the scholarship
committee. I currently am the VNR of Membership Development and served as VRN
of Finance last year for my fraternity Alpha Gamma Rho. I also currently sever as
the Vice President of Scholarship and Finance for the Interfraternity Council.
The scholarship deadline is not until March, 15 th 2015 but I know you have a busy
schedule so I wanted to provide you with enough time, if you wish to write me a
letter of recommendation. If you are comfortable enough with my skills and abilities
to prepare a letter of recommendation I will bring you the formal reference form and
signed FERPA release. Thank you for considering my request; If your schedule
doesnt permit your assistance just let me know so I can make other arrangements.
Thank you,
Dominic Bragg

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