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Kate Pan

BIOL 317 Plant Classification and Identification (5)
NW Olmstead
Classification and diversity of seed plants; concepts and principles of
classification, lab and field study of common plant families in
Washington, and skill development for identification of species. One
weekend field trip.
Reflection: I would like to take this class to fill in the hole in my
general knowledge when it comes to plants. As I am now, I cannot
even picture an ash tree in my head, nor would I recognize one if I
passed one. It would also be useful be able to identify the plants I
see so I can avoid poisonous ones and know which ones are edible,
salubrious, etc.
CLAS 430 Greek and Roman Mythology (3/5) VLPA
Principal myths found in classical and later literature.
Reflection: I believe I would enjoy taking this class because I never
formally learned about mythology before in school, and from what I
have learned on my own, Greek and Roman myths sound exciting
and intriguing. I am a big fan of fantasy and magic in general, and I
love books that feature the Greek and/or Roman gods, such as the
Percy Jackson & the Olympians series and its sequel series. It would
be interesting to see from where such modern literature drew its
roots, to see how the gods were originally portrayed in ancient times
and compare it to how authors interpret them now in todays
ENGL 285 Writers on Writing
Members of the creative writing faculty and other practicing writers
discuss their poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction, literary
inspiration, artistic practice, and the writer' s life.
Reflection: I would like to take this class because I like to write
whenever I have the spare time, inspiration, and motivation. I am an
avid reader and would love to be able to write a novel of my own. I
have never taken any actual writing classes, so I feel this would be a

great learning experience for me. This class would give me the
opportunity to draw on other, more experienced authors knowledge
and discover new tips and methods to improve my writing skills.

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