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Question: Which of the four things are you most interested in?

Answer: Research, Leadership, International engagement, then service.

Question: What is your intended major?
Answer: Premed track: undecided on actual major.
Question: Where want to go?
Answer: India or Africa. :D
Question: What kind of research?
Answer: Something relatingly to med field, like global health; something with a lot of
ethnographical research; anthropologists go out and test societies.
Question: What kind of service?
Answer: Volunteering in a hospital.
Question: What kind of leadership?
Answer: Thinking about getting involved in ASUW and minority clubs: Black Student
Union, etc.
Question: Want to combine international and research?
Answer: DEFINITELY. Focus on diseases that hit poor people (in Africa) and without
people funding them because low incomereally, really rewarding.
Question: What kind of doctor?
Answer: Keep an open mind till get to med school so that dont close off options in
case like something over something else. Have 8 years to decide.

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