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Problem Solving MARTINA WALTON

Criteria For Rich Tasks

Contains an activity that students are able to do
Is explicitly in line with the curriculum, big ideas, learning goals and
success criteria
Builds on prior knowledge and learning
Requires critical thinking skills at various ranges of performance
Students could be applying knowledge in new ways
Addresses two or more categories of the achievement chart
The problem is meaningful and interesting for students
The problems reflect student learning needs and experiences
There are multiple entry points for students
Students have some choice in how to demonstrate their learning
The process expectations are also included

Grade 5
Patterning & Algebra
o Demonstrate the missing number in equations involving addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division and one- or two-digit numbers, using a variety of tools and
Getting Started:
Prompt problem to activate prior knowledge
Give each student group this question to discuss in groups.
If = 10 and = 15
What could the value of each shape be?
Bring the class together to discuss quickly how they attacked the problem.
Begin a class anchor chart to start adding Equality facts.

Working On It:
Teamwork problem solving provide a sheet with this question on it to each team:
Fill in the following chart with your math team. Decide what values each
symbol can represent (it should be the same value for the whole chart) in
order to make all the totals true.




n =


Highlights and Summary as you observe note student groups that should share their
thinking. Specific students will put their work under the document camera and discuss
how they solved the problem. Add any information as needed to the class anchor
Independent Practice
Students complete this ticket out at the end of the lesson.
Exit Ticket

6 + n = 10 and n + 8 =12
What is the value of n ?

If 12 f = 5, then f = ?

Sources: Criteria for Rich Tasks (Adapted from Appendix J: AFL Video
Series.. ; SWS Planning 2014-2015; Marian Smalls Good Questions..

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