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Carleton University

Entrepreneurship - BUSI2800C
Student: Atylla Fernandes Brito Silva


Assignment 6

a) He made a personal about whether the dragons had dogs and then he wisely linked it the reason why
he developed EcoTraction.
b) I personally did not find his first approach, that is, first stage of the buble very effective. Perhaps
because his audience was previously expecting and ready to know what was coming after. However, he
played very greatly the following stages. He made personal statements and questions in the "heart"
phase, such that it hooked the public attention, which was very positive. Furtheremore, in the "mind"
section, he was able to clearly state numbers, data, functions and advantages of his product (over
others), which helped him significantly in convincing his 'judges'. In the "imagination" part, he presents
the perspectives and possible additional features of his product, which closes his presentation perfectly,
since it gives the idea of a powerful versatile product. Firstly, I would find a better way to get to the
bubble, maybe using handouts. After, I would definitely use his approach of making a 'personal'
question to hook up well with the audience and besides that, I would illustrate live how my product
c) He did not left it clear if he had this competencies or not, but he showed he was interested about a
skilled 'team' (the dragons' contribution) to help him with the industry. Despite of the lack of experience,
Mark seemed to have studied and sought information about the business and the product he wants to
sell, which is more than important for any entrepreneur, and which I definitely intend to take to my own
possible future business.
d) Analysing the UniLink, which is the project I am currently working on with my group, I realize that it's
a simple idea, with university students as target, we know well the public and we are definitely
passionate about technology and smart apps. However, we might get stuck with a reduced market.
Moreover, at the time, we haven't put it through outsiders' evaluation, neither shared our idea. Perhaps
its time to think this idea through and find a way to conclude these steps and overcome those obstacles.
f) For me, the final strech of Steve Jobs' speech was the highlight of the whole thing. I believe Jobs took
the ideal of "Stay Hungry. Stay foolish." for his entire career as entrepreneur ever since he learned it. I
believe that was his differencial among the so many other entrepreneurs. He could never get enough so

he was looking for new ways to innovate, trying features for his products that maybe would not have
been taken in (even by his partners) and he still could do great things from this. So, for my own learning,
I would say that instead of investing time and creativity mechanically, as many of entrepreneurs do.
Therefore, I take as the biggest message of Steve Jobs for us at this talk as "keep looking, keep trying."

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