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Sophia Henderson

Pathways Exhibition CC
Lesson 16

Academic Reflection
Course Title: Geometry 2 Lesson 2
Grade Level: 12
This lesson was about finding the radius of different shapes and figuring out whether or not a
shape is parallel.
EXAMINE: I went through a process of reading each question carefully and answering the
questions as best as I could. For resources, I asked my teacher and step-dad for help and
guidance. This lesson was challenging for me because I do not understand math very well. I
needed a lot of assistance with this lesson. The most satisfying thing about this lesson was
completing it. One thing I would like to improve on would be practicing a problem more than
once even if I already understand it.
EXTEND: Overall, I am proud that I did not give up on this lesson even though it was quite
frustrating at times.
CONNECT: This lesson shows that I have the strength to tackle even harder classes in the

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