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But it wasnt long before Maslins controlling and

violent behaviour began to surface. Starting with

constant texts and phone calls to Hollies mobile, and
escalating to drunken, abusive and threatening
behaviour in the presence of her family, Maslin even
followed Hollie to Watford - without her knowledge when she moved there to pursue her hairdressing
Within weeks of his appearing in Watford, the abuse
became physical Maslin attacked Hollie in public
at the Notting Hill Carnival in August 2013 for not
answering her phone when he called. Hollie moved
back to Gloucester leaving her new job to get
away from his violent outbursts. But he once again
followed her, and when Maslin was back in
Gloucester, their relationship began again.
By the end of 2013, after almost 12 months of
physical and emotional abuse, Hollie realised that
Maslins controlling and violent behaviour was not
going to go away, and she broke off the relationship
for the last time just a few weeks before the attack.
Having physically abused her in public on several
occasions by this time, threatened her family, stolen
her cash cards and money from her bank account,
Hollie had no choice but to report the abuse and
threats to the police, even going so far as to consider
a restraining order against Maslin.

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