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Journal Entry # 6

I just sat down candidly and spoke openly with my principal. She and I
had a great conversation regarding my fears, her initial fears, and how
the whole system works with hiring and moving around of
It is such a dynamic process and something I really am hesitant of.
Why? Mainly due to the fact that I thoroughly enjoy my fairly
predictable schedule, I am able to see my kids in the afternoons and
enjoy my summers off.
We spoke to a few examples of difficult times as an administrator.
First: the removal of an experienced ITL from his position. She spoke to
me about the first time she removed a very good friend of hers from
the position to one that happened just over the summer at our school.
The experience causes a lot of pain and angst by the victim. It also
is something ultimately she felt was the right thing in the situation.
The other situation is current. Dealing with a teacher who is getting a
whole lot of complaints and causing a lot of undue stress on the
students and the department. She is really struggling after coming
back from a sabbatical (taking courses at a University in another

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