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Anevay Perez

Lesson: 12
Senior Portfolio (cc)

My College Plan
I plan on attending Cuyamaca Community College located in El Cajon, California. I would
like to pursue all of my general education classes and then transfer to a four-year university with
a softball scholarship. One pro is that the college is right down my street. A con is that they do
not offer a Bachelors degree, so I will have to transfer to a four-year.
I plan on being successful in community college by planning my whole college schedule. I
will also talk to my counselor regularly about what I can do to make planning for college easier
and what I should plan for. Planning my college schedule will make college easier for me and
help me get good grades without stressing too much. My goals are to get As and Bs and to
finish all my general education classes in two years. I plan to get help and information about
transferring by asking my counselor. Once I finish my general education classes, I will be able to
transfer to a four-year university. I would like to transfer to a school with a softball scholarship.
I plan to transfer to San Diego State University after my general education is done. I will
also try to get an internship at the San Diego Countys Regional Occupational Veterinary
Assistant Program. My goals are to get my bachelors degree and own my own veterinary clinic
and to be very successful. Also, I want to get an apartment and a car. All of these goals will help
me live happily doing something I love.

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