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The Method Teaching English in Senior High School

and the Relationship Teacher with Students

The journal presents a research report on ways of teaching and learning at the Senior High
School level. The objective was to find out the teachers method and the relationship with the
students. It was conducted using classroom action research method. The subject of the study
was the XI grade students exactly XI Social 2 class of exact, with the numbers of the students
were 20 person. They were taught about Modals, How to express probability, willingness and
practice speaking about embarashment, agry and annoyment . The instruments used
observation at the class. The conclusion that a teacher should have prior teaching
preparation, see the situation and condition of the students, it also has a closed relationship
with the students. This is useful so that students can be better to understand and more
interested to the a teacher.
Key word : Method teaching English, Relationship with Student, Teaching Technique
1. Introduction
Being an English teacher, he/she must be familiar with learning methods,
strategies and techniques in order to make the class as attractive as possible, to make
the students easier to understand the material, and to encourage the students to be
creative students in mastering the four language skills. Soenjono (1998), teaching
languages to children failure. This is caused by the philosophically mistake in terms
of the language itself and the way teachers teach. Reality shows that most of the

teachers who teach English language does not have sufficient knowledge and
pedagogical linguistic adequate. Thus, teaching seem haphazard.
Chamot and OMalley (1994) stated that teachers need to be aware of their
students approaches to learning and how to expand the students repertoire of
learning strategies. According to Arreaga-Mayer ((1998), language-sensitive content
instruction based on effective and efficient learning strategies must (a) be effective for
culturally and linguistically homogenous learning groups; (b) lead to high levels of
student and student-student active engagement in learning; (c) foster higher-order
cognitive processes; (d) enable students to encourage in extended discourse in
English; (e) be feasible to implement on a small-group or class wide basis; (f) be
socially acceptable to the teachers, students, and parents; and (g) be responsive to
cultural and personal diversity.
There are a variety of strategies to teach the integrated approach to language
teaching of which the four most important are (Crandall, 1994):

Cooperative learning: In this method, students of different linguistic and

educational backgrounds and different skill levels work together on a

common task for a common goal to complete a task pertaining to the
content being taught in the classroom. The focus is also on an implicit or
explicit language feature that the students acquire through negotiation of
b. Task-based or experiential learning: Appropriate contexts are provided for
developing thinking and study skills as well as language and academic

concepts for students at different levels of language proficiency. Students

learn by carrying out specific tasks or projects that they complete with a
focus on the content, but learning language and academic skills as well.
c. Whole language approach: The philosophy of whole language is based on
the concept that students need to experience language as an integrated
whole. It focuses on the need for an integrated approach to language
instruction within a context that is meaningful to students (Goodman,
1986). The approach is consistent with integrated language and content
instruction, as both emphasize meaningful engagement and authentic
language use, and both link oral and written language development
(Blanton, 1992). Whole language strategies that have been implemented in
content-centered language classes include dialogue journals, reading
response journals, learning logs, process-based writing, and language

experience stories (Crandall, 1992).

Graphic organizers: These frameworks provide a means for organizing
and presenting information so that it can be understood, remembered, and
applied (Crandall, 1992). Graphs, realia, tables, maps, flow charts,
timelines, and Venn diagrams are used to help students place information
in a comprehensible context. These props enable students to organize
information obtained from written or oral texts, develop reading strategies,
increase retention, activate schema as a pre-reading or pre-listening
activity, and organize ideas during the prewriting stage (Crandall, 1992).

2. Method for Teaching English in Senior High School

These are some problems that make students in Senior High feel hard to learn
English well :
a. Teacher rarely speaks English in the class. So, the students are not used to hear
another people speak English.
b. The Lessons are too focused on grammar (and not in conversation), the
students don't know how and what the function of the elements of grammar
that they learned it.
c. Vocabulary that is taught is not too useful in dailyconversations. Many
students complain that the words given by the English teachers at school are
too technical, for example about industrialization, reforestation, etc.
So, there are some methods that English Teacher might be used :
a. Always maintain our ability to converse in English for language fluency is
maintained. This is necessary because it can motivate our students to be able
to speak fluently. It may be difficult at all if we never met people who also
speak English.
b. Always emphasize the function and application of all elements of grammar
that we explain to the students. Make sure that students really understand
when they have to apply the structure.
c. Provide additional vocabulary that will be useful for everyday conversation in
students and introduce students to the teen magazines in English so that they
become eager to read and gain a lot of extra vocabulary of the magazine. Thus,
students will be confident if you have to associate with foreign teenagers who
speak English.

3. Build Relationship with students

Teachers can build relationships with students in many ways. Here are four:
a. Get To Know Your Students
Simply asking children about their weekends can be the first step to
connecting with them. When teachers take advantage of opportunities to speak
with their students about life outside school, it's an indication to students that their
teacher actually cares about them as a person.
b. Individualize
Understanding how the child operates allows the teacher to further
individualize their curriculum and find creative ways to help the student
successfully grasp the material.
c. Watch What You Say
One mistake some teachers make is using harsh language with students. They
use sarcasm when joking or unkind words when disciplining them. Then,
everyone is uncomfortable. Educators can create an environment where students
feel comfortable learning and the teacher maintains order without using such
language, simply by being mindful of the choice of words used.
d. Keep Trying To Reach Your Students
But everyone has bad days-even educators. A situation that easily could have
been diffused escalates to voice-raising or students are offended by a teacher's
reaction to a comment in class.
Once you dust yourself off and own up to your mistake, continue to reach out
to your students.
4. Teaching Technique
Learning by doing, encouraging problems and solving them, not only
facilitates the acquisition and retention of knowledge but fosters the right character
traits: unselfishness, helpfulness, critical intelligence, individual initiative, etc.
Learning is more than assimilating; it is the development of habits which enable the
growing person to deal effectively and most intelligently with his environment. And

where that environment is in rapid flux, as in modern society, the elasticity which
promotes readjustment to what is new is the most necessary of habits.
We aimed to integrate the school with society, and the processes of learning
with the actual problems of life, by a thoroughgoing application of the principles and
practices of democracy. The school system would be open to all on a completely free
and equal basis without any restrictions or segregation on account of color, race,
creed, national origin, sex or social status. Group activity under self-direction and
self-government would make the classroom a miniature republic where equality and
consideration for all would prevail.
This type of education would have the most beneficial social consequences. It
would tend to erase unjust distinctions and prejudices. It would equip children with
the qualities and capacities required to cope with the problems of a fast-changing
world. It would produce alert, balanced, critical-minded individuals who would
continue to grow in intellectual and moral stature after graduation.
5. Data Analysis
The data was taken from the observation in the class. The teacher who teach
english in the class was talkative, he liked to make some jokes and he came to the
class right on time. He started the class with a present-list and then he called the roll.
The situation in the class was condusive, the students didnt talk to their
friends and paid attention to what teacher said. The teacher walked around the class
while he reviewed the last meeting material and discussed the homework about
modals how to express the probability, ability and willingness. The teacher discussed
the difficult questions in the homework, so the students could get the materials well.
The teacher motivated the students to answered the difficult questions in their
homework with a reward, and actually it succeed with that way.
The teacher teach the new speaking material about expressing agre,
embarashment and annoyment. he teach the theory first from the textbook and then he

presented it in front of the class to make the students know how to use it in a real life,
because the teacher didnt just teach in the formal way but in the infoemal way too.
After that the teacher instructed the students to practice it with their friends
before the students showed off their best. the teacher gave them 30 seconds to practice
and then instructed the students to try it with their practice friend one by one.
After all of the students are finish to show off, the teacher gave them some
exercises to do in their textbook. and when all the students finished thier exercises, the
teacher told them to listen to what would he say. the teachers made the students
repeated what he said, and after he sured that his students were good he choosed one
of them to try it in front of the class then his friend repeated after him.
Before the class dismissed, the teacher gave a time for the students to ask
some questions about the material and not forget the teacher gave an assignment to do
for an enrichment material.
6. Conclusions and Suggestion


Texes, English as A Second Language ESL 154


Thank God we pray to Jesus Christ. That we have completed the task of the subject
discussed TEFL I with the title The Method Teaching English in Senior High School and the
Relationship Teacher . In the preparation of this work or material, not a few obstacles we
faced, but we must understand about this material. However, we realize that fluency in the
preparation of this material is not thanks to the help,encouragement and guidance of the
teamwork, so that the obstacles we face is resolved and we observ to a Senior High School .
Therefore, the authors say thanks to:

Mr. Lamhot who our lecture given this Final Test

Mardi Waluya Senior High School
Mr. Ferdinandus Widodo as a teacher in Mardi Waluya SHS
Our parents who helped spirit and material
All people who helped to understand the material

Hopefully this matter can be beneficial and contribute ideas for the needy, especially for
the writer so that the expected goals can be achieved. God bless you.

Jakarta, January 2013

The Authors


1. Ribka Nasita Putri

2. Serly Novita
3. Guntur Adventius

( 1112150002 )
( 1112150008 )
( 1112150021 )



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