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I have got a new friend. It is a special friend. Its a dog.

name is Bob. It is a beautiful dog which likes playing a lot. Its 4
monts old and it is brown and white. It has big brown eyes and
a long tail. I walk Bob every day in the afternoon. We often go
to the park behind my house and opposite the shopping centre.
We stay there for two hours and then we return home because
I have to do some Maths, English and language homework. I also
have to study geography and history. Then I have one hour left
to read or watch some TV before having dinner. Finally at 9.30 I
have a shower and I go to bed.
1. Write in interrogative and negative the bold sentences.
2. Answer the questions:
a. What is the dogs name?
b. What does he do with Bob?
c. Where is the park?
3. True or False
a. Bob is 4 years old.
b. He studies English.
4. Write the name of the subjects.
5. Write the vocabulary connected with places.

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