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Name: Chan Kai Xin

IC Number: 990609-08-7958
Class: 1 Kamil

Reasons why you should recycle

Imagine the world in a hundred years. Imagine, flies

everywhere, mountains of unwanted wastes scattered around you,
not a single bird to be seen in the sky, the filthy stench filling up our
nostrils. Believe it or not, these are all caused by human beings,

Studies shows that currently, the rubbish produced by the

whole world takes up the space of half the journey to the moon.
Wow, imagine that. Most of the rubbish/garbage is sent to landfill
sites or put in incinerators and burnt which pollutes the atmosphere.
But the rate at which we are producing trash, is overwhelming. We
are already running out of areas that could be used as landfills and
soon there might not be any left either. This crisis is severe in the
cities and suburbs. There, the problem is so pressing that landfills are
slowly creeping closer to crowded human settlements. This is
making human beings vulnerable to diseases.

Plastic is created by humans. It takes a long time to decompose

so we should recycle it. You might be thinking, we can just burn or
bury plastic, problem solved. NO. Well take burning for instance, if
we burn plastic, a harmful gas will be produced and thus to causing
air pollution. On the other hand, burying plastic? You think its gone
just cause you cant see it huh? The truth is, the soil will absorb the
chemicals released be the plastic thus the soil will be intoxicated. All
together, it will affect the quality of plants that we consume, it may
be harmful to our body. The animals are also innocent victims.

Saving energy is a good reason why we should recycle. The

energy saved by recycling an aluminium drink can is enough to
power a television for about 3 hours. Making a new can, or a new
plastic bottle, or a new glass jar, from raw materials uses more
energy than it would if an old one was recycled.

Recycling also prevents air pollution. We are already aware of

the amount of gaseous waste that industries spew out every day.
Factories and industries manufacturing items made from plastic and
metals release large amounts of toxic gases. With continuous
increase in population, demand for these goods also keep rising. If
we do not recycle these objects then we have to set up new industries
to manufacture these goods. This means more air pollution.
All of us play an important part in preventing that horrible
sight from becoming reality. Therefore, we should make recycling a
daily habit in our everyday lives.

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