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The three sections of the Constitution are the _______________________, ________________________,

and the ________________________________.

The Bill of Rights

The First Amendment protects individuals rights to _________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ the government.
The Second Amendment ensures citizens __________________________________________________
The Third Amendment prohibits the government from forcing people to provide shelter for soldiers in their
homes ___________________________________________
The Fourth Amendment protects individuals from ________________________
____________________________________ without court warrants.
Due Process of Law in Criminal Proceedings: No Double Jeopardy, No Self Incrimination, Must Have a
Grand Jury Indictment, Eminent Domain (Power of the government to take private property for public
The Sixth Amendment guarantees accused persons the right to _______________________ against them
(Habeas Corpus), a defense ____________________, a ___________________________ , and the right
to ____________________________ and compel them to testify.

The Seventh Amendment provides individuals the right to a trial by jury (civil cases).
The Eighth Amendment prohibits ___________________________________, and bars
____________________________________________ for crimes.
The Ninth Amendment states that all rights not written in the Constitution are
The Tenth Amendment says that all powers not given to the national government are
The Other Amendments
The 11th Amendment prohibits a state from being sued in federal court by citizens of another country or

The 12th Amendment provides that the Electoral College shall cast ______________________________
__________________________________________________________ for president and vice president.
The 13th Amendment ___________________________________________________.
The 14th Amendment ____________________________________. A person cannot be deprived of Life,
Liberty, or property without ______________________________________ and guaranteed
______________________________ for all citizens
The 15th Amendment guaranteed the ______________________________________________________
The 16th Amendment allows ___________________________________________________________.
The 17th Amendment calls for the _______________________________________________________.
Amendment 18 prohibited the making, selling or transporting of alcohol ________________________.
The 19th Amendment ___________________________________________ WOMENS SUFFRAGE.
The 20th Amendment says that the president is inaugurated, or __________________________________
The 21st Amendment _________________________________________________________________.
Amendment 22nd ____________________________________________________________________.
Amendment 23rd Allows the __________________________________________________________.
The 24th amendment ___________________________________________________________________.
Amendment 25th describes ____________________________________.
The 26th Amendment ___________________________________________.
Amendment 27 makes __________________________________________________

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