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Plan: No Hay Que Complicar la Felicidad

Jennifer Stone

1.) Students will increase reading fluency, as well as their overall communicative
ability, in Spanish by reading, noting, understanding, and interpreting an authentic
Spanish play, No hay que complicar la felicidad.

1.) The class will begin a brief introduction in English, then we will switch to Spanish.
The class will do the Question of the Day: Qu vas a hacer durante el fin de
semana largo?/What are you going to do over the long weekend?). Students will ask
and answer the question with three classmates sitting nearby, then share out.
Meanwhile, I will pass out Spanish Valentines to students made in class the previous
day. (8 minutes)

2.) In Spanish, I will introduce the class to the play we will be reading, No hay que
complicar la felicidad by Marco Denev. Students will read the play silently, then they
will follow along as I play an audio recording for the class. (10 minutes)

3.) Students will write notes (in English) on the play indicating what they understand. I
will demonstrate with the class first using a copy of the play on the projector.
Students will take notes individually, will share their notes with their partners, and
then will share them with the class, speaking only in Spanish. (10 minutes)

4.) In heterogeneous groups based on seating, students will discuss the play and
answer comprehension and analysis questions. Groups will then share their
conclusions with the class, using as much Spanish as possible. (10 minutes)

5.) Student volunteers will act out the play for the class, thus reinforcing meaning and
student engagement. (10 minutes)

6.) The play and comprehension questions will be collected and the class will end in
English in order to address any questions or issues students may need to have
addressed. There is no homework over the weekend.

No Hay que Complicar la Felicidad

Por Marco Denevi

(Un parque. Sentados en un banco, bajo los rboles, l y Ella se besan.)
l: Te amo.
Ella: Te amo.
(Vuelven a besarse)
l: Te amo.
Ella: Te amo.
(Vuelven a besarse)
l: Te amo.
Ella: Te amo.
(l se pone violentamente de pie).
l: BASTA! Siempre lo mismo! Por qu, cuando te digo que te amo, no contestas, por
ejemplo, que AMAS A OTRO?
Ella: A que otro?
l: A nadie. Pero lo dices para que tenga celos. Los celos alimentan al amor. Nuestra
felicidad es demasiado simple. Hay que complicarlo un pococomprendes?
Ella: No quera confesartelo porque pens que sufriras, pero, lo has adivinado.
l: Qu es lo que adivin?
Ella: (Ella se levanta, se aleja unos pasos) Que amo a otro.
l: (l la sigue) Lo dices para complacerme. Porque yo te lo ped.
Ella: No, es verdadamo a otro.
l: A qu otro?
Ella: A otro.
(un gran silencio)
l: Entonceses verdad?
Ella: (Vuelve a sentarse. Dulcemente)..Ses verdad.

(l se pasea. Aparenta un gran furor)

l: Siento celos. No finjo. Siento celos. Estoy muerto de celos. Quiero matar a ese otro.
Ella: (Dulcemente) Est all.
l: Dnde?
Ella: All, entre los rboles.
l: Ir en su busca.
Ella: Cuidadotiene un revolver.
l: Soy valiente.
(l sale. Al quedarse sola, ella re. Se escucha el disparo de un arma de fuego. Ella deja de
Ella: Juan?
(SilencioElla se pone de pie)
Ella: Juan?
(SilencioElla corre a los rboles)
Ella: JUAN????
(SilencioSe oye lejos el grito de ella)

Vocabulario Importante:
-Amar: to love

-Te amo: I love you
-Otro: other

-la Felicidad: happiness
-Besar: to kiss

-Adivinar: to find out

-El rbol: the tree
-Matar: to kill
-Sentir celos: to be jealous
-Verdad: true

Pensar Criticalmente
Why does he want her to tell him that she loves somebody else?
Who is Juan?
Why is she upset at the end of the play? Are we supposed to know what happened?

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