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Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Teaching Notes

When Maslow was teaching at Brooklyn College, he had 2

mentors, Ruth Benedict and Max Wertheimer. He did a lot of
research and study on human potential, self-actualizing
persons and peak experiences.
He became a leader of humanistic psychology in the 1950s60s which he identified as the third force as it was outside
of Freudian theory and behaviorism
Peak experiences were intense mystical moments of feeling
connected to other people, nature or a divine being. He
thought peak experiences happened to self-actualized
This was original for the time as most psychology was based
on abnormal behavior or the ill. This began a more positive
view on mental health, and using ones own strengths and
resources to help grow and develop. This led into more
client centered therapy, that was developed by Carl Rogers.

Maslow felt that higher needs cannot emerge until lower
needs have been satisfied. So we start with physiological
needs and go to the top, which is self-actualization
Altruism- concern for the wellbeing of others, selfless
A person is always 'becoming' and never remains static in
these terms. In self-actualization a person comes to find a
meaning to life that is important to them.

Maslow (1962) believed self-actualization could be measured

through the concept of peak experiences. This occurs when a
person experiences the world totally for what it is, and there
are feelings of euphoria, joy and wonder.
It is important to note that self-actualization is a continual
process of becoming rather than a perfect state one reaches
of a 'happy ever after' (Hoffman, 1988).

Critiques include: Not a large enough study, based on

Maslows opinion only, not enough validity, cannot be
accepted as scientific fact, only a few females (Eleore
Roosevelt and Mother Theresa were identified, not applied to
those from lower social classes or different ethnicities, some
feel you do not need lower needs in order to reach potential
or become self actualized, some human needs appear to
transcend cultural differences, but the order might be
different, some feel the needs are all important, Deiner
(2011) stated, theyre like vitamins, we need them all.

Discussion questions
More extended version of hierarchy of needs include:
cognitive needs, aesthetic needs, transcendence needs

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