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Erick: Hello, very good morning!

Eduardo: Hello, Good morning!

Erick: My name is Erick, Im a mechatronics engineer, take my card.
Eduardo: Thank you, nice to meet you Erick
Eduardo: Also, let me introduce myself; my name is Eduardo, Im in Finance, is
this my card.
Erick: Nice to meet you too Eduardo.
Eduardo: Tell me, Erick, Where do you work?
Erick: I work at the company of Volkswagen, and you?
Eduardo: I Work in the stock exchange.
Erick: Where are you from Eduardo?
Eduardo: Mexico City, and you?
Erick: Im from Mexico City too.
Eduardo: And how old are you Erick?
Erick: twenty years old. And you Eduardo?
Eduardo: I am twenty and one years old.
Erick: Do you have children?
Eduardo: No, I dont have children, and you?
Erick: Yes, ten children, Im married
Eduardo: Thats good, good luck!!
Erick: Thank you Eduardo.
Eduardo: You are welcome and nice to meet you. Take care.
Erick: Nice to meet you too.
Eduardo: Bye.

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