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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin Superior

Universidad Politcnica Territorial del Estado Aragua
Federico Brito Figueroa

Written Conversation



Olga Marchena

Diego Soler C.I 22.022.827

Jhainer Perozo C.I 21.098.209
YolimarSanchez C.I 23.920.003
Liz Gonzalez C.I 24.818.056
2nd Year, Section #1.

Marzo, 2015

Diego: Good evening students, my name is Diego, I am your computer repair

teacher. First of all I want to know your names.
Jhainer: Good evening teacher I'm Jhainer.
Yolimar: Good evening teacher Im Yolimar.
Liz: I'm Liz.
Diego: Okay, today we'll talk about the hard drive. Anyone know what is it?
Liz: I will answer, it is a data storage device.
Diego: very well Liz and they are classified as anyone knows?
Jhainer: The hard disk can be classified by its location, can be internal or
Diego: can you give me an example of external hard drive?
Yolimar: An example can be USB and memory cards teacher.
Jhainer: You can also find the hard drive by your connection type as IDE or
Yolimar: It is true, my computer uses SATA.
Liz: My computer uses SATA 3 and has a storage capacity of 2 TB
Jhainer: Teacher, this has already happened. they always argue about these
Liz: Guys, Did you remember how finished this the last time? And Jhainer
was calling me to ask if we were really angry
Yolimar: Yes, it was fun , I laughed a lot.
Jhainer: It wasnt fun. You will not discuss which of the two has a better hard
Yolimar: do not argue, just make a comment
Liz: okay, continue with the class teacher
Diego: I see you know a lot about the hard drive, let the class get here next
week and have a test.
Jhainer: Catch you later teacher.
Yolimar: teacher goodbye
Liz: See you, and good luck teacher.

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