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Magna Carta: Whats So Great about the Great Charter?

The Magna Carta, or Great Charter, was created in 1215 in England for King John
at the demand of his barons. The Magna Carta granted certain civil rights and liberties to
nobles and to all freemen, and guaranteed some rights to all the kings subjects. In
doing so, the Magna Carta limited the powers of the king.

The reasons why the Magna Carta was created because King John was on throne
and after falling out with the Pope over who should be the archbishop of Canterbury. In
order to get back into the Popes good graces, he was required to pay money to the Pope.
From there, King John lost his lands, and started to impose heavy taxes onto his subject.
The barons was mad and demand the sighing of the Magna Carta from King John due to
King Johns misuse of his own power.

I can see why the Magna Carta was created because of the powers that were given
to King John. If there were too much power given to a leader, at some point in time, that
leader will misuse their power and cause some kind of mishap in their country/land. Now
referring this to todays situation of school bullying, If a bully over use their own power
by doing something to the extreme that will cause some kind of ordeal, would you still
follow that person? Im for one wouldnt because youre basically going to regret
something like this in the future for multiple of reasons.

Giving someone too much power is one thing, but given him or her no powers at
all is another thing. Whenever someone is given the role as the leader, there has to be
some kinds of limit to the powers they have receive becoming a leader. If not, these
leaders will misuse their powers, and will cause ordeals for example of how King John
heavily taxed his subject for his own problems. This is why countries around the world
will always use the Magna Carta as a base to influenced the growth of representative
constitutional democracy.

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