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Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity


Be very prideful, youre a rebel. Make people want to follow you!

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity


Give the following messages before the end of the 2nd day of April:

Give the following message to Shade Barrow Meet outside room 1209 at 11:05 (break) on the 3rd
day of April. Tell Kilorn and Walsh to come as well. A silver that will greet us rise red, as the dawn
will guide you to the right room. (when you meet with Shade, open your next envelope.)

Discreetly meet with Mare and Maven and give the following message to Mare Please ask Julian to
help someone enter the castle on the 3rd day of April, open first envelope. Give following message
to Maven Distract Cal on the 3rd day of April between 11:05 to 11:20 (break) in room 1209. Open
first envelope.

Wait for instructions from other characters.

Second Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity


Give the following message to Shade Barrow At 11:10 (break) in the kings quarters, room 1219, on
the 3rd day of April, kill King Tiberias with this dagger. Open your first envelope. Present dagger to

Walsh and you will remain out of sight, help Shade and Kilorn not look suspicious after they do the

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope
Red Queen Activity

Second Envelope
Red Queen Activity


Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity


Be as haughty as possible.

Discreetly give the following message to Farley before the end of the 2nd day of April: The King will
be the least protected on the 3rd day of April at 11:10 in his kingly quarters, room 1219. Beware of
the Royal Princes. Open the your first envelope.

Wait for further instructions from other characters.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Shade Barrow

Stay out of the way until given instructions.

Wait for instructions from other characters.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity


Act scholarly

Wait for instructions from other characters.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Mare Barrow (Mareena Titanos)

Do not let others know that youre Red Blooded!

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity

Mare Barrow (Mareena Titanos)

Give to Julian Please help someone enter the castle on the 3rd day of April, at 11:05 meet them
front of room 1209, greet them with Rise, red as the dawn then take them to the correct room
(room 1219).

Wait for instructions from other characters.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Cal Calore

Act Princely

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope
Red Queen Activity


Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Maven Calore

Act Princely

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity

Maven Calore

Meet with Queen Elara and Rane Arven: convince them that he should be the rightful ruler (not Cal),
and to kill Cal. Give following message to Rane Arven Please oversee my fight with Cal in room
1209 for a practice session, at 11:05. Open first envelope. add that he should prohibit Cal from using fire and therefore let him win.

Give following message to Cal Please meet me in room 1209 for a practice session, at
11:05. (follow through on this)

Wait for instructions from other characters.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

King Tiberias

Act Kingly

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope
Red Queen Activity

Maven Calore

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Rane Arven

Act aloof

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity

Rane Arven

You are to preside over Cal and Mavens fight. You get to chose if Cal or Maven die or neither. Announce to them an Epic Tic-Tac-Toe battle. Draw a giant Tic-Tac-Toe board with 9 smaller Tic-TacToe boards in the smaller squares (ask Cal/Maven for help on this). You may prevent one of them
from marking a square at any time in the game for 5 times. A tie results in neither dying and a win
means death for the loser. Inform the loser of their death.

Wait for instructions from other characters.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Elane Haven

Ask King Tiberias to meet you in his kingly quarters (room 1219) from 11:05 to 11:20 (break) on the
3rd day of April

Walk very slowly to room 1219 starting at 11:05. Then once inside talk to the King about Evangeline
and what he thinks of her.

Wait for instructions from other characters.

First Envelope
Red Queen Activity

Rane Arven

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Queen Elara

Send out an invitation to Mareena and Evangeline inviting them to brunch at on the 3rd day of April
at 11:05 in room 1221

Conduct emergency hearing if any Silvers die.

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Sara Skonos

On the 3rd day of April at 11:05, find Julian and stop him and give him this message This is a stupid idea, youre not thinking straight, lets run away, away from all this political nonsense! (run toward office with Sara Skonos). If you hear stop! you must stop running.

Wait for instructions from other characters

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity


On the 3rd day of April at around 11:05 to 11:20 (break), wait for two people to come running by the
office. Tell them the following message. Stop! Youre under arrest. Please follow me to the Kings
chambers. (Room 1219)

Wait for instructions from other characters

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity

Colonel Macanthos

On the 3rd day of April at around 11:05 to 11:20 (break), stand in front of room 1207, watch the two
people running and walk in the opposite direction. You may report incident to the Queen in room
1221, but thats up to you.

Wait for instructions from other characters

Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity


You whine a lot.

Wait for instructions from other characters

First Envelope Instructions

Red Queen Activity


Kill any Silver in the way of the mission.

Wait for instructions from other characters

First Envelope
Red Queen Activity


Envelope Instructions
Red Queen Activity


Give message to Mare to give to Maven Bring one of Cals daggers for the Scarlet Guard and give
it to Farley.

Wait for instructions from other characters

You are Cordially Invited:

Red Queen Activity

Dear Mare,
3rd day of April:
9 to 11:15 Independent classes
11:15 to 11:30 luncheon in dining hall (room 1221)
11:30 to 1:20 Independent classes
1:15 to 1:50 Lunch
1:50 to 4:00 Independent classes
Do not be late.
Your Queen,

Queen Elara

You are Cordially Invited:

Red Queen Activity

Dear Evangeline,
3rd day of April:
9 to 11:15 Independent classes
11:15 to 11:30 luncheon in dining hall (room 1221)
11:30 to 1:20 Independent classes
1:15 to 1:50 Lunch
1:50 to 4:00 Independent classes
Do not be late.
Your Queen,

Queen Elara

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