Cheat Sheet

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Brief Synopsis: Melissa Macbeth, Daltonia Duncan, and Bailey and Francis Banquo are Glamis

HS seniors. Melissa and Bailey are told by an admissions officer from Harvard that they may be
admitted because they are high on the waitlist. Melissa was accepted to Crawford College too,
but Mrs. Macbeth persuades her to prevent Daltonia from receiving her Harvard acceptance
letter. Harvard is not enough to satisfy Melissa; now she wants the James Bryant Conant
award, an honor given to the undergraduate who submits the best scientific essay. Baileys
attendance increases Franciss chance of winning the award, so Melissa sabotages her grades.
-Central Theme: Achieving goals through immoral means causes unsatisfying senses of success.
-It is within human nature to always want more; the nature of human desire makes it insatiable.
-Fate influences events to an extent, but whatever good/evil occurs is the result of ones actions.
Motifs and Symbols
Bloody hands motif as the crimson dye from the sweatshirt stained Melissas hands.
Still Shots
Melissa MB has corrupted her nature, so she is shown wearing a black shirt.
Bailey and Francis are both portrayed with a light surrounding them. The textbook that
Francis is reading is illuminated, a contrast to the dark background. Light represents their
perseverance of morality, their awareness of right vs. wrong, and shows that Francis
maintains his integrity despite other hostile applicants.
The red flag on the mailbox is halfway down, showing Melissas intentions are wavering.
Scene Preview
Acceptance letter is in the light because there is still a possibility for good; rejection letter
is kept in the dark because Melissas intentions are evil.
Background is red; there will be blood on her hands to obtain the acceptance letter.
Melissa sees the mailbox as black because she believes it would be fair for Daltonia to
receive foul news. The white mailbox shows her lingering morality.
Movie Posters
Poster One
-Dark-colored hand silhouette indicates that the tendency to sin lies within man
-Use of blood red as the feature color relates to motif of spilled blood within the film
-Silhouette of a pen shows the power of words in letters from admissions officers
Poster Two
-Dark background indicates that one's surroundings can influence bad decisions.
-The dice represent that it is by chance or fate that Melissa headed down this path.
I.iii.140-155 Melissa finds she's been wait-listed. Her emotions crescendo, like the songs beat.
II.i.44-77 This song foreshadows the Melissas sinful actions. Its ominous tones and halting
notes represent what she is feeling as she contemplates ruining her friends academic future.
III.iv This songs suspenseful notes, playing while Melissa runs from a security guard who saw
her in the school's office at night, represent the risk that she is taking in committing her crime.
IV.iii.240-275 During this scene, Melissa frames her friend for breaking into the school office.
V.viii.65-88 This song represents the relief that people feel knowing that their academic careers
are safe from Melissas ploys.

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