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Diarrhea related to invasion of the lining of the colon secondary to infectious proccess as
manifested by patients verbalizations, brownish yellow with blood steak loose and musoid
1. observe and record amount, characteristics and frequency of bowel movement.
2. Increase oral fluid intake
3. Monitor intake and output
4. Assess for sign and dehydration
b. Fluid volume deficit related to active fluid volume loss (diarrhea) secondary to infectious
proccess as manifested by decrease in urine output, decrese oral fluid intake(400-500)
1. encourage client to incrase oral fluid intake
2. provide meticulus oral care(toothbrush and mouthwas)
3. check voiding and record amount
4. promote a quiet environment and bedrest
5. regularly assess client for changes in conditions
6. monitor input output
c. acute pain releated to inflammatory response secondary
1. encourage adequat rest period
2. Provide comfort measure
3. encourage deep breathibg exercise
4. provide diversional activities such as listening to music and watching tv

b. provide quite and calm environtment and cluster nursing care

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