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Patrik Svalling



Waste is becoming a growing problem
for the world. The household waste is
expected to be doubled over the next
20 years. The dumping sites are
growing more and more for each year
that goes and they are soon too full the
handle more waste.
On average a family throws
two sacks of rubbish each
week and the waste is often
like this:
Paper and card: 30%
Kitchen waste: 30%
Glass: 10%
Metal: 10%
Plastic 8%

Every person generates 10

times their weight in
household rubbish, throwing
away things like 90 drink cans
and 45 kg of plastic. Since
people throw away this much
rubbish, the amount of people
that recycle will have to be
tripled form 8% to 25% in the
next six years. Why people
should recycle is that for each
tone of paper recycled saves
about 15 average sized trees.
Producing steel from recycled
materials saves 75 percent of
production of virgin materials,
and if all aluminum cans were
recycled we would save a lot
of energy and about 8 million
dollars (in the UK).

Patrik Svalling



Michael Meacher the environment minister of the UK said that the collection
continued at the current rate, Britain would hit a crisis and he forecast that as
many as 130 new indicators could be needed he also said that everyone
needs to take more responsibility for cutting the waste that we generate. He
launched a draft waste strategy that included to focus on recycling or
composting 30 percent of the household waste by 2010.
We will never be able to get the waste to disappear, we can only change its
physical or chemical fro like liquid or solid. So if you throw something away it
wont disappear. It may be burned but it is still there as gases or as heat.

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