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Jeffrey Toth

Mod 8

Theme Paragraph
In the short story The Necklace, Guy De Maupassant illustrates the
idea that with trust comes responsibility, and with conflict comes hard work
and dedication to fix it. In the story, Madam Forestier lent Madam Loisel a
necklace for a party, trusting her to keep it safe. The story says, But
suddenly she uttered a cry. The necklace was no longer round her neck!
Madam Loisels lack of responsibility led her to lose the necklace. If someone
trusts one do take care of or do something, it is important that they are
responsible. Even though she wasnt responsible at the time, Madam Loisel
and her husband worked for ten years to pay off a new necklace that
replaced the lost one. Maupassant writes, She washed the platesthe dirty
linen, the shirts and dish cloths, and hung them out to dry on a string.
Madam Loisel and her husband worked extremely hard for a long period of
time to pay off their necklace debts and to correct their mistake. If people
are determined enough and they put in the hard work, they can achieve their
goals, whether it be fixing problems or paying off debts. Being responsible
and working hard are two very important things in this world, for they are
prevalent in our lives and even in the lives of characters in stories. Though
she needed to be responsible with Madam Forestiers trust, Madam Loisel
used her determination to make everything right again. These are the things
that make us who we are; and that is what living is all about.

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