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The Doctors Plot and Stalins Death

1948- Death of Andrei Zhdanov

Zhdanov had been an influential figure during Stalins rulehis death would lead to conspiracies and violence later on.

1952- Stalins Doctor Gives Advice

Stalins doctor suggested that Stalin slow down, and was
arrested. This is symbolic of Stalins tumultuous
relationship with doctors.

January 13 1953- Pravda

Official Soviet party newspaper, Pravda, announces that
some doctors had been arrested for mistreating leading
Soviet figures.

March 1, 2, and 5 1953

Stalins bodyguards enter Stalins office after not hearing
from him. They believe he is drunk, and place him on the
sofa. The next day, it was discovered that Stalin had
actually had a massive stroke. He would ultimately die on
March 5th, ending any potential for the Doctors Plot to

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