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Talking Points- ED 2500 Microteach


1) The Doctors Plot began with the death of Andrei Zhdanov in 1948. Zhdanov had been an
instrumental figure in relation to Stalins purges. It is not known exactly how he died,
though he was known to have been a raging alcoholic, other suggestions suggest
MURDER. Zhdanov was tipped as a possible successor to Stalin as well. (Britannica)

2) On January 13 1953, the official party newspaper, Pravda, announced that 9 doctors who
had treated leading Soviet leaders had been arrested for allegedly mistreating their
patients. Some were accused of spying, and others were accused of poisoning Zhdanov.
3) Stalin had had weird relationships with doctors for a long time. In one case, he allegedly
needed medical attention because of an ingrown toenail, and when he went to the hospital
he allegedly hid behind a curtain with his foot poking out. (Burton, 2014) In another
circumstance, in 1952, Stalins doctor suggested he slow down. His doctor was arrested,
(Cavendish, 2003)
4) There is evidence to suggest that the doctors plot was poised to turn into another fullscale purge, but Stalin died 2 months later on March 5th 1953, putting an end to any
further violence. (Britannica)

5) March 1st 1953- Stalins bodyguards enter into Stalins office after not hearing from him
all day- they find him slumped and slurring on the floor. They believe that Stalin is drunk,
so they throw him on his couch, citing his unpresentable manner (Cavendish, 2003)
6) The next day, they realize that Stalin had actually had a stroke and suffered some pretty
severe brain damage- doctors are called, but as a result of the doctors plot, they were too
afraid to help Stalin (Cavendish, 2003)
7) Stalin dies on March 5th 1953- he is later shunned for his tyrannical ways and his
successor, Nikita Khrushchev denounces Stalins terrors in a secret speech to the
Central Committee on February 25th 1956- indicating a thaw. (Britannica)

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