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ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Affiliated with the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School sa private, parochial co-educational pelmary through middle schoal, located the Texas Medical Center. Student enrollment is approximately 500 for Pre-Kindergarten through Sch grades COTES) i Questions? You are always weleome re contact our Director of Admissions, Renee MeCurry at 713-863-3541 oF St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School aay Pastor Principal Grades Hours, ICULUM Sports loulum for St. Vincent de hholic School is provided, schdlocese of Galveston + tn full compliance with rements of the Texas, Conference Education ‘ent and the Texas Educa- ney. Ouracademie pro- lesigned to provide an ed- environment that chal- we average and the acceler- ent. The curriculum is (Christian values and aue Satholle doctrine. Primetime Extra-Curricular SCHOOL INFORMATION Monsignor Bill Young (Carolyn Sears Pre-K through sth Sam- 2pm Preklst Sam—315 2nd-Sth Supervised extended hours are avallable from 7am-6pm Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Saft bball, Cheerleading, Track, Volleyball, Cross Councry Band, Scouts, Chess, ‘Choir, Drum Line, Dance, Mad Selence, Destination Imagination, Music Les sons, Beta Club, Art Camp Einstein, Tech ‘Club, Skate Club SCHOOL PROFILE Established 1943 Affiliation Roman Cathelic Enrollment 500, coeducational ‘Target Teacher Smident Ratio Pre-K 218, K-stli8, 2nd-8th 1:25 Faculty, Allclassroom teachers aze degveed, and certified, with many holding additional certifications or post graduate degrees Acereditations/Memberships TCCED, NAASP, HAIS, NMSA, NCEA, AScD St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School (6602 Buttle Speedway eo “Telephece: 713-666-2345,

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