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Safety Rules

Choose and write. Then match
the sentences with the pictures.

1) If there are poisons in the room,

2) If you catch on fire,
3) When you go out,
4) If a stranger talks to you,

5) If you go swimming in deep waters,

6) If you want to be safe in case of fire,

7) If you see an animal,
8) If someone on the phone uses weird language,

9) If there is a storm,
When you play with your friends,

If you want to use machines,

If a stranger asks you to go somewhere with

If you are sick,
beware of animals you dont know / take medicine
from trusted adults only / stay away from poisons / be
safe in stormy weather / tell where you are going /
wear a life jacket / use machines only with adult help /
dont talk to strangers / stop, drop and roll / dont go
anywhere with strangers / hang up / practise fire

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