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Journal Week 7

This week at Wraparound Delaware my youths parent came into the agency to sign necessary
paperwork for supervision. Unfortunately, I was not in the office nor did he bring the youth with
him. I have not yet met the youth I have been assigned. I am learning to utilize the systems
needed for case management.
On Friday, I, along with the staff, was sent to a meeting discussing trauma. Dr. Peter Lamb was
the facilitator of the meeting. He is extremely knowledgeable in his field. I am very grateful for
the agency sending me to the meeting. I learned a lot. The purpose the staff was sent to the
meeting is to better assist our families in dealing with trauma. During the meeting Dr. Lamb
showed us relaxation responses while dealing with trauma. While we were in the meeting, Dr.
Lamb had the participants do the relaxation exercises. This process was extremely
uncomfortable. It reminded me of being hypnotized in a room full of strangers! Obviously, no
one in the room fully reached the maximum state of relaxation.
There were two pieces of information that really stuck out to me as a case manager: avoid being
a rescuer. It is important to not try and resolve each problem in the familys life. They must learn
to process through their problems and employ the resources provided.
Additionally, Dr. Lamb stated, Teenagers have not yet developed frontal lobes which determines
judgment. Well, as a parent this helped me understand my children a little more. Maybe my son
is correct when he says, I dont know. Maybe he is correct; his judgment isnt fully developed!

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