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Journal Week 9

This week at Wraparound Delaware I was responsible for formulating my first individual service
plan (ISP). This document is a part of the youths file that I currently case manage. The
document includes the conditions needed to successfully discharge the youth from our low-level
probation program. Jackie, the agency supervisor, provided me with all of the materials required
to create a plan. I do appreciate how she requires me to work independently and use critical
thinking skills to execute the tasks given. Working for her has been a great and enlightening
experience. Because she and Krystyn do not micromanage this has helped me in the area of
organization along with building my confidence while working in the field.
One specific area I need to strengthen is being concise in my communication with the youth as
well as written. The ISP that is formulated is a binding contract between me, the youth and the
court. Therefore, all communication should be clear so the youth and their parents understand the
requirements of getting discharged. Some of my challenges to concise communication are
prioritizing my thoughts and ensuring the listener fully understands what I am communicating.
Additionally, I have learned that I have to become relatable to the youth/ population we serve.
Our youth are eighteen and under, therefore they generally speak in slang terms. Although I hear
some of the service coordinators talk on their youths term, which is difficult for me because Ive
practiced not to do it.
Overall, my experiences here continue to be informative and self-evaluating.

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