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Week 11 Journal

This week at Wraparound Delaware I attended an IEP meeting for my youth. Unfortunately, no
one from the youths family was present. Also, after speaking with the social worker from the
school and the education diagnostician, this family is not very active in supporting the efforts of
the school. Discussed in the IEP meeting was other options for the youth to successfully
complete high school. Currently, the youth is seventeen years old and in the tenth grade. To date,
this youth has missed approximatively eighty days. The fear is once he turns legal age, he will
not return to school. Everyone agreed to discuss other services such as Twilight and Job Corp
with the youth. Working in this field, it is evident that the recipients of this program typically
have major life issues and there are normally layers of problems affecting one another.
While at the office, there was a major problem with the internet and phone service. This seems to
be an ongoing problem causing delays in meeting deadlines. Because of the technical issue, the
service coordinators were sent home to work, including myself. The Service Coordinators
express their frustration with this ongoing technical issue. Although these challenges present
themselves within the agency, the staff continue to support one another to ensure the families are
being serviced.
Also, one of the Service Coordinators youth was shot in the neck this week. The shooting
happened at a local community center. This obviously negatively affected the Service
Coordinator and the agency. The staff at the agency were very supportive of the family as well as
the Service Coordinator. The supervisor reassured the family and youth that Wraparound
Delaware would do anything they could do to assist them.

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