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Ryan and Esther consecutively Sample 1

The school at this time lacks the basic resources for teachers to efficiently and effective
perform the necessary to assist the students. The students are good, however they lack the
motivation and interest in the use of the laptops for academia. The is class [ name] of school X
was chosen because they hardly come to school with their laptops and when they do it is use for
music and other reasons apart from school work. They lack the knowledge of proper use of the
laptops for academia and they underperform due to this. They have the ability to learn once
guided properly, so personalizing their learning experiencing with the use in the classroom which
makes it more student centered should bring about a new love for learning. The class has x
students of which p are boys and q are girls. They come from backgrounds that are. The whole
class is selected because I wish to
Participants Sample 2
CSEC students atThe school Y seem is plagued with students at the fourth and fifth form
level that are unable to think critically. Students of form x have been selectedThis class was
chosen due to their untapped abilities to think critically since I believe that fourth form is a
possible place to enhance their ability to think critically. . Once given the avenue they will be
able to think at higher levels than they are currently. They are quite willing to work and perform
tasks directed to them but they must be guided properly. The use of case studies will help in the
development of them thinking critically and developing higher order thinking skills which is an
element of critical thinking. There are x boys and y boys from a rural Tobago village/town and
do not have other means of learning this skill.

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