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Constructive Interference

by Kevin A. and Wilson S.

Tom: Hey, I saw what you were doing yesterday.

Chris: How wood you know?
Tom: You were doing the plank.
Chris: Do you keep a log of this or something?
Tom: No, youre just a branch of my interest.
Chris: Leaf me alone.
Tom: Fine, Ill stick to my work.
**Tom leaves**
Chris: I should am-bush him later.
Tom: *Sawing a block of wood*, what a bore.
Shea: Just stick to the drill.
Tom: Why do you have to be a part of this?
Shea: I like steel-ing your puns.
Tom: Wouldnt that be iron-ic?
Shea: Dont make me call the cop-pers.
Cole: Your puns are rusty.
**Chris comes back**
Chris: Hey guys? Whats going on? I got to get to the root of this problem.
Shea: Screw the tree puns.
Cole: Nailed it.

Tom: Guys, stop being so crane-ky.

Shea: Hey Tom, why don't you fork-lift your spirit up?
Cole: That was ter-rubble.
Chris: Ok Im going back to work now.
Tom: Same.
Shea: Me too.

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