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Response Paper:

Please read How Are We Doing With Nigga? from your textbook and the article on
Blackboard, Some blacks insist: 'I'm not African-American.
Applying the ideas that you have read in the guide to writing response papers that we
discussed in class, please write a 2-page response to the idea of using the word,
nigger. You may choose any side of the argument you believe and then use any
aspects of the articles to support your position.
Remember to use correct English I format and to frame your paper according to
guidelines established in your classes last semester. Please remember to use a clear
thesis statement that states your position on this issue.
Remember, this is a response paper, so there is not right or wrong answer, just a well
thought out, clearly stated paper that uses intellectual discourse, support from the
articles and good writing to express your thoughts.
You will be graded on the clarity and strength of your ideas, not the content or the
position you take. Your job is to organize your thoughts, get support from the
professionals and write well, clearly, and thoughtfully. Proofread carefully.
Double, space, name, date, section, etc. You know the drill. NO staples.
Due Monday, January 26.

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