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Mama negra known as Blessed Tragedy is a traditional festival from Latacunga, city located in

the province of Cotopaxi.

The festival is divided in two parts in different months.
The first is made in September in honor of Virgen de las Mercedes, because she calmed the fury
of the volcano Cotopaxi in 1742.
For that reason she was proclaimed/named Lawyer and patron of the volcano
The second part of the festival is made in November when the people celebrate the independence
of the city.
Mama Negra
She is the main character. She wears clothes whit a lot of colors. She always is riding a horse, in
her right hand she carries to her daughter a black doll called Baltasara, who dances with the
popular band and in her left hand she carries a kind of bottle whit milk and water that throw to
the people.
Rey Moro
He is always well dressed who represents a legendary ruler. He decorates the procession
El ngel de la Estrella
He represents the Archangel Gabriel he is a young man who rides a horse and wears a white
tunic with gold and silver lace. He carries in his right hand a scepter with a star on top. He recites
praises to the Virgin.
He is a kind of military who carries a big flag with squares. He walks around the streets
entertaining the people and moves the flag.
He is the biggest prioste who spend the money in the festival. He is with a elegantly uniform and
he carries a sword in his hand

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