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Symptoms and Prevention of

Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus is the metabolic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism
caused by insufficient of nil production of the hormon insulin by the
Insulin is responsible for the absorption of glucose in to cells for their energy
needs and into the liver and fat cells for storage as a glicogen reserve.

Insulin deficiency may be due to

1. Pancreatic disorders.
2. Defect in the systhesis of insulin from beta cells of langarhans (In
3. Distruction of beta cells
4. Genetic defects.

1. The blood sugar level is more than 120mg. in diabetic patient
2. Untreated diabetics exhibit the following symptoms.
A. Polyurea - Excreation of increased in quatity of urine
B. Polydipsia - Excessive thirust leading to increased
consumption of water.
C. Polyphagia - Excessive appetite leads to the increased
intake of food.
Inspite of over eating, diabetic patients
looses weight.
3. Weakness and body pain are common symptoms.
4. The body's inablilty to store or use glucose causes weightloss,
insatiable hunger
and fatiigue.
5. Diabetes Mellitus also result in abnormal (fat) metabolism.
6. Accelated degeneration of small blood vessels

Types of Diabetes Mellitus

1. Insulin - dependent type.
2. Non - Insulin dependent type.

Insulin - Dependent type :

This type develops due to reduced prodution of insulin or non
prodution of insulin.

Non - Insulin dependent type:

This is due to inadequate amount of insulin production. Obesity (over
weight) is a major reason. This type usually of gradual onset and develops
mainly in people over 40. Recently insulin resistance diabetes is commonly
noticed and reported in younger persons too.

Causes for Diabetes.

1. Diabetes tends to run in familes so it occurs in people who inherit
the genes
responcible for the insulin dependent form.
2. Viral infection that damages the pancreas causing the deficiency of
3. Obesity is the major cause leading to development of non - insulin
4. Severe illnesses such as pancreatitis and thyroidtoxicosis casuse
5. Over eating along with lack of physical excercise.

The preventive measures.

1. Maintance of narmal body weight through adoption of healthy
nutritional habits
and physical excercise.
2. Correction of over nutrition and obesity may reduce the risk of
diabates and its

3. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

4. Control of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and high
triglyceride levels.
5. Susceptible persons can prevent diabates by avoiding the risk

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