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1) select StdNo,StdFirstName,StdLastName from [dbo].

[Student] where
StdMajor='ACCT' and StdGPA > 2.5
2) select a.OfferNo,a.CourseNo,b.CrsDesc from [dbo].[Offering] a Inner join
[dbo].[Course] b on a.CourseNo=b.CourseNo and a.Offterm='SUMMER' and
3) select a.stdno,a.stdfirstname,a.stdlastname,a.stdMajor,a.stdgpa from [dbo].
[Student] a inner join [dbo].[Enrollment] b on a.stdno=b.stdno where
b.Offerno in (select OfferNo from [dbo].[Offering] where CourseNo='FIN480')
4) select a.stdno,a.stdfirstname,a.stdlastname,a.stdmajor from [dbo].[Student]
a join [dbo].[Enrollment] b on a.stdno=b.stdno where Offerno in( select
Offerno from [dbo].[Offering] where Facno in (select Facno from [dbo].
[Faculty] where FacFirstName='Nicki' and FacLastName='MACON') and
offterm='WINTER' and Offyear='2013')
5) select a.stdno from student a join enrollment b on a.stdno=b.stdno where
b.Offerno in(select Offerno from [dbo].[Offering] where Courseno like 'FIN%')
6) select distinct a.courseno from offering a join Enrollment b on
a.Offerno=b.offerno where b.Stdno in (select stdno from student where
StdClass='SR' and StdMajor in ('FIN','IS'))
7) select count(offerno) as NoOfOffs from offering where facno IS NULL
8) select StdMajor,max(StdGPA) as MaxGpa from [dbo].[Student] where StdGpa
>3.1 and StdClass in ('JR','SR') group by StdMajor - DOUBT

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