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Game of Thrones Critique

Lorraine E. Bonkowski
Madonna University




I have never been one to get very involved in mainstream tv series. Starting in high
school, I remember when The O.C. and Desperate Housewives first came on the air, to college
when Glee, The Walking Dead, and Gossip Girl became popular hits and of course the long
running Greys Anatomy. I would watch an episode here or there of the newest shows, trying to
understand what all the hype was about or to be able to join in on the break room conversations. I
did enjoy a few of them, such as Greys Anatomy for the first two seasons but then lost interest
and motivation to continue watching. The same happened with the action series 24. I started to
notice that many television series are good but not anything that intrigued me or kept my
interest. However, it all changed when a friend of mine at work asked if I watched the hit HBO
series Game of Thrones. When I told her no, she brought me the complete first season the next
day. Although I assumed this would turn into every other failed attempt of getting interested in a
show, I still took the DVDs home and told my friend I would watch them. That night I watched
the first episode, which turned into two more and I have been hooked ever since.
Game of Thrones is an American medieval fantasy drama based on a novel series written
by George R.R. Martin. The series takes place in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. It
involves continuous battles between several different families who all feel they dominate as
rightful owners of the iron throne to the kingdoms. It quickly became my all time favorite tv
series and is one that keeps me watching. Perhaps all the other tv series didnt cut it for me
because they were lacking in some aspect; I just couldnt put my finger on it. It was not until I
watched Game of Thrones that I realized what the other shows were missing that embodies a
great tv series.



For me, a great series has a plot that manipulates you into thinking that you know what
will happen next but then tricks you every time with unthinkable events, such as a main character
getting killed off or betrayal between friends. As I mentioned before, I would watch a show,
found it to be good for awhile, but then lose interest. With many shows, you get the same
predictable storylines. The main characters get into a dilemma and find their way out, they have
repeatably tiresome love interests, or the always anticipated happy ending. I enjoy a more
unpredictable plot that ventures off the beaten path and is not afraid to forgo the happy ending or
one that makes you say out loud well, thats not supposed to happen! This type of plot will
often leave you wondering why the writer chose to play it out that way which makes you feel
more intellectually invested then just another mindless tv series. Having a plot like this is more
likely to keep my attention and wanting to watch the next episode.
I also think a great television series needs to have a number of intriguing characters that
are complex in their personalities and evolve throughout the series, going from your favorite to
most loathed character or vice versa. It is interesting when you get to watch them develop
individually and through relationships with other characters. Will unlikely characters become
companions? Or will close family members turn on each other? Maybe the hero will become the
anti-hero? I enjoy when there are intertwining relationships and more depth than just the good
guys or bad guys. Just like us humans, we are very complex. We always think we know
ourselves well and how we react until we are actually thrown into a difficult or uncomfortable
situation. Watching all the characters makes you unconsciously decide who your favorites are
and who you root for. With having your favorite characters and even your most hated characters,
it keeps you wanting to watch their complex personalities and relationships evolve every week .



Game of Thrones does a phenomenal job creating a wickedly smart plot that takes you by
surprise and leaves you wondering what will happen next. There were countless times that events
played out in ways I would have never guessed. In the first season, one of the main characters, a
nobleman named Eddard Stark, who spends his time fighting for peace and keeping his family
safe, gets beheaded by an emotionless king. One would never expect this to happen since he was
portrayed as the hero character that will fix everything in the end. Then in the third season, an
entire family and army that were the crowd favorites get killed off. Again, it was expected that
this army would win the ongoing war, finally have some peace and maybe even live happily ever
after. In another third season episode, there is a shocking announcement that two unlikely
characters are to be married.
These unexpected twists of events leave you in shock and thinking about how the story
will change from here. Throughout the series there has been outrage from fans on how the show
could be so controversial. One of the most famous lines of the show spoken by a disgruntled
character is, If you think this has a happy ending, you havent been paying attention. This
quote perfectly portrays the entire show and its dynamic plot. The series also consists of several
different storylines that are followed in each episode. Having to keep track of the different
kingdoms and cities, where the characters are from, and who is fighting who makes it even more
interesting to watch. Each storyline is somehow related to the next one and it encourages you to
think about how and when they will connect. With all the unforeseen events and storylines, the
plot of Game of Thrones leaves you no choice but to stay engaged and wanting to watch more.
The vast array of dynamic characters in Game of Thrones has by far exceeded my
expectations. Each character has their own story of who their friends and foes are, where they are



going, what their drive is and who they believe is the rightful owner to the iron throne. The
characters are all part of a very complex family tree, resulting from true love, arranged or forced
marriages, affairs, and even incest. Throughout the series you watch them evolve. In some cases
you can go from disliking a character, to them becoming your favorite. For example, the
character Tyrion Lannister, born into a wealthy family, starts off as a manipulative and crude
character that only cares about himself, drinking and women. I particularly didn't care for him at
first with his selfish attitude and lack of respect. However, as the show progresses you learn
more about his caring side for those that deserve it and his capability of falling in love. He now
has become one of my favorite characters. During the series you also witness several pairs of
characters that are enemies at first but then discover a respect for one another. Then there are
characters that pretend to be kind to others only to find out they had ulterior motives.
The series also shows unlikely characters that develop abilities or powers much greater
than they knew they were capable of. For example, Daenerys Targaryen, is a young woman that
discovers her power as Mother of Dragons and builds up a grand army to help take her role as
rightful heir to the throne. Also Eddard Starks young son Bran Stark, learns that the he has
prophetic dreams and the power to enter the minds of animals to control them. All of the Game
of Thrones characters evolve and create a complex web of relationships that keeps you hooked
on your favorites to follow throughout the series.
I believe a great television series stems from having an unpredictable plot that keeps you
on your toes and dense characters that are more than just categorized as a good guy/bad guy.
Of course having a good plot and character line up are the basis of any tv series, but one with
these qualities makes it more enjoyable and intriguing to watch and has you yearning for the next



episode. It took me awhile to discover that these qualities are important criteria for making up an
exceptional tv series. Among all the other television series available, I feel that Game of Thrones
takes the crown. Unlike the other series I attempted to get involved in, I have so far watched the
first three seasons of Game of Thrones. As long as the writers and producers continue on with the
show, I do not find myself stopping anytime soon.

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